Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 48

Tuesday 17th February 2015.
365 List Project


Here is my list...

  • It's a commitment.
  • You should only get married if you want to be with that person and you know them well enough.
  • Once you get married you should be 100% committed and faithful.
  • Your spouse should know all the important stuff about you before you walk down the aisle.
  • Your spouse should be you main priority alongside children under 16.
  • Marriage should be respected.
  • Others should not attempt to get a married person to be unfaithful.
  • Infidelity should be punishable by prison/ fines. If you want to be with someone other than your husband/wife you should divorce/not get married in the first place!
  • You should have to live with the other person for 3 years before you are allowed to get married.
  • Forced marriages should be more Policed and stopped/punished by prison/fines etc.
  • You should have to be 21 before you're allowed to get married.
  • There should be more venues that provide a full service from flowers to rings to transport etc.
  • It should be harder to get divorced.
  • Marriage and relationship counselling should be free for all.
  • You should be fined if caught cheating.

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