Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 43

Thursday 12th February 2015.

365 List Project


Sorry I can't help it, it's the month of love with Valentines fast approaching. I have love on the brain. Here's the things I love it when...

❤️ Things fit.
πŸ’— I'm kissed.
❤️ I feel at ease.
πŸ’ž I feel accepted.
❤️ I feel at peace.
πŸ’˜ People are kind.
❤️ I receive a gift for no reason.
πŸ’• I feel appreciated.
❤️ A good deed is recognised.
πŸ’“ My dog shares wet kisses.
❤️ My Other Half buys me flowers, especially for no reason.
πŸ’– My mum asks me for advice.
❤️ My sisters need me.
πŸ’— My cat brushes my ankles in adoration.
❤️ I receive a hand written letter.
πŸ’• I get new stationery.
❤️ A job/ task is finished.
πŸ’“ My Other half tells me he loves me.
❤️ When my niece asks me for advice.
πŸ’“ When others tell me they love me.
❤️ When I witness a random act of kindness.
πŸ’• When people do nice things for me without being asked.
❤️ When I'm told I look nice.
πŸ’˜ When people thank me.
❤️ When I get to give someone good news.
πŸ’– The sun kisses my cheeks on a nice warm day.
❤️ I'm tucked up in bed and I can hear the rain tap-tapping on the window.
πŸ’• Someone trusts me.

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